A platform
orchestrates builds by invoking the lifecycle binary together with buildpacks and application source code to produce a runnable OCI image
The majority of Buildpack users use community-maintained platforms, such as pack and kpack, to run Buildpacks and create OCI images
. However this might not be desireable especially for users maintaining their own platforms and seeking more control over how the underlying Buildpack lifecycle phases
are executed.
This tutorial is derived from a blog post contributed by one of our community members.
In this step-by-step tutorial, you will build a Bash
application without using any platform
tooling like pack
or kpack
. You will also leverage the individual lifecycle phases
to produce a runnable application image.
This tutorial has been tested on linux amd64 and darwin arm64 platforms. You’ll need to clone a local copy of the following to get started:
The CNB lifecycle
git clone https://github.com/buildpacks/lifecycle
The official Buildpack.io
samples repo
git clone https://github.com/buildpacks/samples
As previously mentioned, the lifecycle
orchestrates Buildpacks
then assembles the resulting artifacts into an OCI image
. The lifecycle
is composed of a series of distinct phases
that need to be executed to have the final image built and exported.
Now that you’re set up, let’s build our Bash
application and dive deeper into the lifecycle
and its phases.
As a starting step, you need to build the lifecycle
in order to use its phases. This could be done by navigating to the lifecycle
directory and executing one of the following commands, depending on your system architecture.
make build-linux-amd64
for AMD64
architectures (for Linux users)make build-darwin-arm64 && make build-linux-arm64-launcher
for ARM64
architectures (for Mac users)It’s recommended to check the lifecycle releases page to download binaries based on your system.
Please note that the entire process is most easily followed on Linux systems
In order to execute the various lifecycle phases
correctly, you first need to set the values of few important environment variables by running the following commands in the terminal:
export CNB_USER_ID=$(id -u) CNB_GROUP_ID=$(id -g) CNB_PLATFORM_API=0.14
export CNB_SAMPLES_PATH="/<your-path>/samples"
export CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH="/<your-path/lifecycle/out/<your-os-arch>/lifecycle"
are arbitrary values that need to be consistent. This example re-uses our user id and group id for the CNB
user. In a production system, these are commonly set to 1000
or the Platform API
version, varies depending on the use case. This tutorial uses v0.14
, which is the latest Platform API version.CNB_SAMPLES_PATH
represents the path of our local copy of the samples
represents the path of our local compiled lifecycle
directory.Please note that we only run the commands above on a host machine for the purpose of this tutorial, which is not a common practice for buildpacks.
A single app image build consists of the following phases:
Note that a
executes the phases above either by invoking phase-specific lifecycle binaries in order or by executing/cnb/lifecycle/creator
Let’s expand each lifecycle
phase to explain how the lifecycle
orchestrates buildpacks:
The analyze
phase runs before the detect
phase in order to validate registry access for all images used during the build
as early as possible. In this way it provides faster failures for end users.
Prior to executing /cnb/lifecycle/analyzer
, you need to create a parent directory for this tutorial and two other directories inside it as follows:
mkdir -p /tmp/tutorial # or your preferred directory
cd /tmp/tutorial
mkdir -p apps/bash-script
mkdir -p layers
directory that contains a bash-script
directory that contains subdirectories representing each layer created by the Buildpack in the final image or build cache.Next, you need to copy the bash-script
samples into our apps/bash-script
directory, which will host our app’s source code.
cp -r "${CNB_SAMPLES_PATH}/apps/bash-script" ./apps/
Now, you can invoke the analyzer
for AMD64
${CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/analyzer -log-level debug -daemon -layers="./layers" -run-image cnbs/sample-stack-run:noble apps/bash-script
Or if you are on an ARM64
${CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/analyzer -log-level debug -daemon -layers="./layers" -run-image arm64v8/ubuntu:latest apps/bash-script
The commands above run the analyzer
logging levelDocker daemon
as the repository where the lifecycle should look for imageslayers
directory, which is the lifecycle
’s main working directoryrun
image, the base image for the applicationNow the analyzer
in this case) for a previous image called apps/bash-script
in the image repositoryIn this tutorial, there is no previous apps/bash-script
image, and the output produced should be similar to the following:
Starting analyzer...
Parsing inputs...
Ensuring privileges...
Executing command...
Image with name "apps/bash-script" not found
Image with name "cnbs/sample-stack-run:noble" not found
Run image info in analyzed metadata is:
Now if you cat ./layers/analyzed.toml
, you should see a few null entries, a run-image
section that records the provided name provided, and the found os/arch
In this phase, the detector
looks for an ordered group of buildpacks that will be used during the build
phase. The detector
requires an order.toml
file to be provided. We can derive an order from builder.toml
in the samples
directory while removing the deprecated stack
section as follows:
cat "${CNB_SAMPLES_PATH}/builders/noble/builder.toml" | grep -v -i "stack" | sed 's/\.\.\/\.\./\./' > order.toml
files contain a list of groups with each group containing a list of buildpacks. The detector
reads order.toml
and looks for the first group that passes the detection process.
Before running the detector
, you need to:
Create a buildpacks
directory in the root
mkdir -p buildpacks
Then you must populate the buildpacks
directory with your buildpacks of interest.
You have to follow the directory layout defined in the buildpack spec, where each top-level directory is a
buildpack ID
and each second-level directory is abuildpack version
We will use dasel
to help us parse toml files.
$ go install github.com/tomwright/dasel/v2/cmd/dasel@master
Let’s do that for every buildpack in the samples/buildpacks
for f in $(ls --color=no ${CNB_SAMPLES_PATH}/buildpacks | grep -v README)
bp_version=$(cat ${CNB_SAMPLES_PATH}/buildpacks/$f/buildpack.toml | dasel -r toml buildpack.version | sed s/\'//g);
mkdir -p ./buildpacks/samples_"${f}"/${bp_version}
cp -r "$CNB_SAMPLES_PATH/buildpacks/${f}/" ./buildpacks/samples_"${f}"/${bp_version}/
Now, you can run the detector
${CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/detector -log-level debug -layers="./layers" -order="./order.toml" -buildpacks="./buildpacks" -app apps/bash-script
The output of the above command should have layers/group.toml
and layers/plan.toml
output files (i.e., the groups that have passed the detection have been written into the group.toml
file writing its build plan into the plan.toml
Starting detector...
Parsing inputs...
Ensuring privileges...
Executing command...
Timer: Detector started at 2024-10-01T07:00:50Z
Checking for match against descriptor: {linux []}
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file
Checking for match against descriptor: {linux []}
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file
Checking for match against descriptor: {linux []}
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file
Checking for match against descriptor: {linux []}
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file
Checking for match against descriptor: {linux []}
======== Results ========
fail: samples/java-maven@0.0.2
======== Results ========
fail: samples/kotlin-gradle@0.0.2
======== Results ========
fail: samples/ruby-bundler@0.0.1
======== Results ========
pass: samples/hello-world@0.0.1
pass: samples/hello-moon@0.0.1
Resolving plan... (try #1)
samples/hello-world 0.0.1
samples/hello-moon 0.0.1
Timer: Detector ran for 26.011769ms and ended at 2024-10-01T07:00:50Z
You can view more details about the order, group and plan toml files in the platform documentation.
The restorer
copies cache contents, if there is a cache, into the build container. This avoids buildpacks having to re-download build-time dependencies that were downloaded during a previous build.
This tutorial doesn’t have any previous builds, i.e., the analyze
phase didn’t return any cached
image. Therefore the restore
phase will not be copying any cache
contents at this stage. Feel free to inspect the cache
when the build
is done, and re-run the tutorial using the cache created to see how this speeds things up.
Meanwhile you can start by creating a cache
directory, and then run the restorer
binary as added below:
mkdir cache
${CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/restorer -log-level debug -daemon -layers="./layers" -group="./layers/group.toml" -cache-dir="./cache" -analyzed="./layers/analyzed.toml"
The cache
directory should now be populated by two sub-directories, committed
and staging
as shown in the output below:
Starting restorer...
Parsing inputs...
Ensuring privileges...
Executing command...
No run metadata found at path "/cnb/run.toml"
Run image info in analyzed metadata is:
Timer: Restorer started at 2024-10-01T07:03:47Z
Restoring Layer Metadata
Reading buildpack directory: /tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-world
Reading buildpack directory: /tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-moon
Reading Buildpack Layers directory /tmp/example/layers
Reading buildpack directory: /tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-world
Reading Buildpack Layers directory /tmp/example/layers
Reading buildpack directory: /tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-moon
Timer: Restorer ran for 274.41µs and ended at 2024-10-01T07:03:47Z
The builder
run buildpacks, that do the actual work of transforming application source code into runnable artifacts.
Before running the builder
, the following steps are required:
Create two directories:
directory to store platform configuration and environment variablesworkspace
directory to store the application source codemkdir -p platform
mkdir -p workspace
Copy the source code from the app
directory to the workspace
cp -r apps/bash-script/* ./workspace
Create a launcher
file with instructions to run your application. Note that in a real buildpacks build, the platform
does not create this file! The samples/hello-moon
buildpack would create it. In our case, the samples/hello-moon
buildpack hasn’t been updated with this functionality, so we are faking that behavior.
mkdir -p layers/samples_hello-moon
cat << EOF > ./layers/samples_hello-moon/launch.toml
type = "shell"
command = ["./app.sh"]
Now you’re ready to run the builder
as follows:
${CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/builder -log-level debug -layers="./layers" -group="./layers/group.toml" -analyzed="./layers/analyzed.toml" -plan="./layers/plan.toml" -buildpacks="./buildpacks" -app="./workspace" -platform="./platform"
Taking a look at the following output shows that you have invoked the two buildpacks that we need in order to run our bash-script
Starting builder...
Parsing inputs...
Ensuring privileges...
Executing command...
Timer: Builder started at 2024-10-01T07:07:46Z
target distro name/version labels not found, reading /etc/os-release file
Running build for buildpack samples/hello-world@0.0.1
Looking up buildpack
Finding plan
Creating plan directory
Preparing paths
Running build command
---> Hello World buildpack
platform_dir files:
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gitpod gitpod 40 Oct 1 07:04 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 gitpod gitpod 180 Oct 1 07:04 ..
env_dir: /tmp/example/platform/env
env vars:
declare -x CNB_BP_PLAN_PATH="/tmp/samples_hello-world-576309032/samples_hello-world/plan.toml"
declare -x CNB_BUILDPACK_DIR="/tmp/example/buildpacks/samples_hello-world/0.0.1"
declare -x CNB_LAYERS_DIR="/tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-world"
declare -x CNB_PLATFORM_DIR="/tmp/example/platform"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_ARCH="amd64"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_DISTRO_NAME="ubuntu"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_DISTRO_VERSION="22.04"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_OS="linux"
declare -x HOME="/home/gitpod"
declare -x HOSTNAME="buildpacks-docs-dusxugo5ehi"
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
declare -x PWD="/tmp/example/workspace"
declare -x SHLVL="1"
layers_dir: /tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-world
plan_path: /tmp/samples_hello-world-576309032/samples_hello-world/plan.toml
plan contents:
name = "some-world"
name = "some-world"
world = "Earth-616"
---> Done
Processing layers
Updating environment
Reading output files
Updating buildpack processes
Updating process list
Finished running build for buildpack samples/hello-world@0.0.1
Running build for buildpack samples/hello-moon@0.0.1
Looking up buildpack
Finding plan
Creating plan directory
Preparing paths
Running build command
---> Hello Moon buildpack
env_dir: /tmp/example/platform/env
env vars:
declare -x CNB_BP_PLAN_PATH="/tmp/samples_hello-moon-3356528850/samples_hello-moon/plan.toml"
declare -x CNB_BUILDPACK_DIR="/tmp/example/buildpacks/samples_hello-moon/0.0.1"
declare -x CNB_LAYERS_DIR="/tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-moon"
declare -x CNB_PLATFORM_DIR="/tmp/example/platform"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_ARCH="amd64"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_DISTRO_NAME="ubuntu"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_DISTRO_VERSION="22.04"
declare -x CNB_TARGET_OS="linux"
declare -x HOME="/home/gitpod"
declare -x HOSTNAME="buildpacks-docs-dusxugo5ehi"
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
declare -x PWD="/tmp/example/workspace"
declare -x SHLVL="1"
layers_dir: /tmp/example/layers/samples_hello-moon
plan_path: /tmp/samples_hello-moon-3356528850/samples_hello-moon/plan.toml
plan contents:
---> Done
Processing layers
Updating environment
Reading output files
Updating buildpack processes
Updating process list
Finished running build for buildpack samples/hello-moon@0.0.1
Copying SBOM files
Creating SBOM files for legacy BOM
Listing processes
Timer: Builder ran for 20.200892ms and ended at 2024-10-01T07:07:46Z
The purpose of the export
phase is to take the output from buildpacks and package it into an OCI
image using a combination of remote layers, local buildpack-contributed layers (under <layers>
), and the processed app
To export the artifacts built by the builder
, you first need to specify where to find the launcher
executable that will be bundled into your image as the entrypoint to run:
For AMD64 architectures
export CNB_LINUX_LAUNCHER_PATH=/<your-path>/lifecycle/out/linux-amd64/lifecycle/launcher
For ARM64 Architectures
export CNB_LINUX_LAUNCHER_PATH=/<your-path>/lifecycle/out/linux-arm64/lifecycle/launcher
Now you can run the exporter
${CNB_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/exporter --log-level debug -launch-cache "./cache" -daemon -cache-dir "./cache" -analyzed "./layers/analyzed.toml" -group "./layers/group.toml" -layers="./layers" -app "./workspace" -launcher="${CNB_LINUX_LAUNCHER_PATH}" apps/bash-script
You can verify that the image was successfully exported by running the docker images
Finally, you can run the exported image as follows:
docker run -it apps/bash-script ./app.sh
The output should look similar to the following:
|'-_ _-'| ____ _ _ _ _ _
| | | | _ \ (_)| | | | | | (_)
'-_|_-' | |_) | _ _ _ | | __| | _ __ __ _ ___ | | __ ___ _ ___
|'-_ _-'|'-_ _-'| | _ < | | | || || | / _` ||'_ \ / _\ | / __|| |/ // __| | | / _ \
| | | | | | |_) || |_| || || || (_| || |_) || (_| || (__ | < \__ \ _ | || (_) |
'-_|_-' '-_|_-' |____/ \__,_||_||_| \__,_|| .__/ \__,_| \___||_|\_\|___/(_)|_| \___/
| |
Here are the contents of the current working directory:
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 3 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 502 root 4096 Jan 1 1980 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 502 dialout 692 Jan 1 1980 README.md
-rwxr-xr-x 1 502 dialout 736 Jan 1 1980 app.sh
drwxr-xr-x 3 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 bash-script-buildpack
-rw-r--r-- 1 502 dialout 202 Jan 1 1980 project.toml
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 3 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 502 dialout 226 Jan 1 1980 buildpack.toml
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 502 dialout 4096 Jan 1 1980 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 502 dialout 345 Jan 1 1980 build
-rwxr-xr-x 1 502 dialout 242 Jan 1 1980 detect
At the end of this tutorial, we hope that you now have a better understanding of what happens during each lifecycle phase
, and how you could use Buildpacks
to create container images. You are now ready to explore this technology further and customize it to fit your application development and deployment needs.