Build for ARM architecture

Building for the ARM architecture is now easier than ever! The heroku/builder:24 builder supports both AMD64 and ARM64 architectures, and includes multi-arch Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala buildpacks. You can read more about Heroku’s Cloud Native Buildpacks here.

1. Clone the samples repository

# clone the repo
git clone

2. Build the app

If you’re using an ARM64 computer (such as an Apple Silicon Mac, or an AWS Graviton instance), you can build an ARM64 OCI image with pack simply by setting your builder to heroku/builder:24:

pack build java-maven-sample --path samples/apps/java-maven/ --builder heroku/builder:24

By default, pack uses the current architecture for multi-arch builders like heroku/builder:24, so an AMD64 image will be built on AMD64 systems.

If you want to build an ARM64 image from a different host architecture, use the --platform parameter:

pack build java-maven-sample --path samples/apps/java-maven/ --builder heroku/builder:24 --platform linux/arm64

TIP: If you don’t want to keep specifying a builder every time you build, you can set it as your default builder by running pack config default-builder <BUILDER> for example pack config default-builder heroku/builder:24

3. Run it

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 java-maven-sample


The app should now be running and accessible via localhost:8080.