pack manifest create

pack manifest create

Create a new manifest list.


Create a new manifest list (e.g., for multi-arch images) which will be stored locally for manipulating images within the index

pack manifest create <manifest-list> <manifest> [<manifest> ... ] [flags]


pack manifest create my-image-index my-image:some-arch my-image:some-other-arch


  -f, --format string   Media type to use when saving the image index. Accepted values are: oci, docker (default "oci")
  -h, --help            Help for 'create'
      --insecure        When pushing the index to a registry, do not use TLS encryption or certificate verification; use with --publish
      --publish         Publish directly to a registry without saving a local copy

Options inherited from parent commands

      --force-color   Force color output
      --no-color      Disable color output
  -q, --quiet         Show less output
      --timestamps    Enable timestamps in output
  -v, --verbose       Show more output