
What is a buildpack?

A buildpack is software that transforms application source code into runnable artifacts by analyzing the code and determining the best way to build it.

What is the lifecycle?

The lifecycle is a binary responsible for orchestrating buildpacks.

What is a buildpack group?

A buildpack group is a list of individual buildpacks that are designged to work together to build an application.

What are targets?

The concept of targets is used to identify compatibility between buildpacks and base images.

What caching strategies are available to buildpacks?

Learn strategies for caching layers at build-time for future re-use.

What is a buildpack dependency layer?

What is a buildpack package?

What is a component buildpack?

What is a composite buildpack?

A composite buildpack, also sometimes called a “meta-buildpack”, is a buildpack that does not contain any ./bin/detect or ./bin/build binaries, but instead references other buildpacks in its buildpack.toml via the [[order]] array. This is useful for composing more complex detection strategies.

What is an image extension?

An image extension is software that generates Dockerfiles that can be used to extend base images for buildpacks builds.

What is the build plan?