
The detector finds an ordered group of buildpacks to use during the build phase.

Detection is the first phase of the Lifecycle. It’s done by the detector. In this phase, the detector looks for an ordered group of buildpacks that will be used during the build phase. The detector is invoked in the build environment without any required arguments and it cannot run with root privileges. One of the input files is order.toml and two of its output files are group.toml and plan.toml.

Unless some flags are passed in, the detector will use the following defaults:

  • Path resolution for order definition: /cnb/order.toml
  • Path to output group definition: <layers>/group.toml
  • Path to output resolved build plan: <layers>/plan.toml

The full list of flags and their defaults can be found here.


An order.toml contains a list of groups, each group itself contains a list of buildpacks. The detector reads the order.toml and looks for the first group that passes the detection process. If all of the groups fail, the detection process fails.

Each buildpack in each group is marked as either optional or as required. In order to pass the detection process, two conditions must be satisfied:

  • The detect scripts of all required buildpacks must pass successfully (the exit code is zero).
  • The detector should be able to create a build plan (to be written in the plan.toml) with all of the requirements of the group’s buildpacks.

The first group that passes both steps is written to group.toml and its build plan is written to plan.toml.

Note: If the detect script of an optional buildpack failed, the group can still pass the detection process and be the “chosen” group. In order for that to happen, there should be at least one (required or optional) buildpack in this group that passes the detect script successfully.


The buildpacks of the “chosen” group will be written to group.toml if they pass the step of creating plan.toml. They are written in the same order as they appear in order.toml after filtering out all of the (optional) buildpacks whose detect script failed.


Each buildpack can define two lists with provided and required dependencies (or several pairs of lists separated by or). These lists (if they aren’t empty) are called a build plan and they are part of the output of each buildpack’s detect script. The detector reads the build plans of the buildpacks of the “chosen” group (after filtering out the buildpacks whose detect script failed). It goes over all of the options and tries to create a file with a list of entries, each with provides and requires lists, that fulfills all of the buildpacks requirements. Each of the options is called a trial, and this output file is called plan.toml.

The two restrictions for provides and requires are:

  • A dependency that is provided by a buildpack, must be required by either the buildpack itself or by a later buildpack in the group.
  • A dependency that is required by a buildpack, must be provided by the buildpack itself or by a previous buildpack in the group.

If at least one of the above failed on a required buildpack, the trial fails and the detector will look for the next trial. If at least one of the above failed on an optional buildpack, this buildpack should be excluded from the final plan. If all of the trials fail, the group fails (and the detector moves on to the next group).

Exit Codes

Exit Code Result
0 Success
11 Platform API incompatibility error
12 Buildpack API incompatibility error
1-10, 13-19 Generic lifecycle errors
20 All buildpacks groups have failed to detect w/o error
21 All buildpack groups have failed to detect and at least one buildpack has errored
22-29 Detection-specific lifecycle errors

The following file is responsible for the detection command:

The public functions in the above file are being called by the Run function in the following file:

The spec of the detector can be found here.