Integrate with your favorite CI tooling


Pack is a CLI tool maintained by the CNB project to support the use of buildpacks.


kpack is a Kubernetes-native platform that uses unprivileged Kubernetes primitives to perform buildpacks builds and keep application images up-to-date.

kpack is part of the Buildpacks Community organization.


CircleCI is a continuous integration and delivery platform.

The CNB project maintains an integration, called an orb, which allows users to run pack commands inside their pipelines.

Gitlab Auto DevOps

Gitlab is a web-based DevOps platform. The Auto DevOps feature uses pack to build applications prior to deploying them.

Project “Piper”

Project “Piper” is a set of ready-made continuous delivery pipelines for direct use in your project. It now also implements the CNB Platform spec as a step and makes it available in your Jenkins pipeline.

Project “Piper” is maintained by SAP.


Tekton is an open-source CI/CD system running on k8s.

The CNB project has created two reference “tasks” for performing buildpacks builds, both of which use the lifecycle directly (i.e. they do not use pack).