pack extension package

pack extension package

Package an extension in OCI format

pack extension package <name> --config <config-path> [flags]


  -c, --config string        Path to package TOML config
  -f, --format string        Format to save package as ("image" or "file")
  -h, --help                 Help for 'package'
      --publish              Publish the extension directly to the container registry specified in <name>, instead of the daemon (applies to "--format=image" only).
      --pull-policy string   Pull policy to use. Accepted values are always, never, and if-not-present. The default is always

Options inherited from parent commands

      --force-color   Force color output
      --no-color      Disable color output
  -q, --quiet         Show less output
      --timestamps    Enable timestamps in output
  -v, --verbose       Show more output