What is build reproducibility?

Given the same inputs, two builds should produce the same outputs.


The Cloud Native Buildpacks project aims to create “Reproducible Builds” of container images.

For image creation commands (builder create, buildpack package, build) pack creates container images in a reproducible fashion.

“Reproducible” is hard to define, but we’ll do so by example and with a few caveats:


Running pack build sample-hello-moon:test multiple times produces a container image with the same image ID (local case)


  • The same source code
  • The same builder image
  • The same set of buildpacks (see caveat below).

Running pack build cnbs/sample-hello-world:test --publish multiple times produces a container image with the same image digest (remote case)


  • The same source code
  • The same builder image
  • The same set of buildpacks (see caveat below).

Inspecting the results of the above command, we see the following output:

$ docker pull cnbs/sample-hello-world:test && docker images --digest # Pull remotely created image and view IDs and Digests
REPOSITORY                                   TAG                 DIGEST                                                                    IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
sample-hello-world                           test                sha256:9e3cfea3f90fb4fbbe855a2cc9ce505087ae10d6805cfcb44bd67a4b72628641   597c49cae461        40 years ago        95.2MB
sample-hello-moon-app                        test                <none>                                                                    86aab15e22b8        40 years ago        43MB

Consequences and Caveats

There are a couple things to note about the above output:

  • We achieve reproducible builds by “zeroing” various timestamps of the layers of the output image. When images are inspected they may have confusing creation times (eg. “40 years ago”).
  • The cnbs/sample-hello-moon:test image does not have an entry for the “DIGEST” column. This is because the digest is produced from the image’s manifest and a manifest is only created when an image is stored in a remote registry.

The CNB lifecycle cannot fix non-reproducible buildpack layer file contents. This means that the underlying buildpack and language ecosystem have to implement reproducible output (for example go binaries are reproducible by default). Buildpacks that produce identical layers given the same input could be said to be reproducible buildpacks.

Running pack build cnbs/test-image:test && docker push cnbs/test-image:test and pack build cnbs/test-image:test --publish with the same inputs will not produce the same image digest because:

  • The remote image will have an image digest reference in the runImage.reference field in the io.buildpacks.lifecycle.metadata label
  • The local image will have an image ID in the runImage.reference field in the io.buildpacks.lifecycle.metadata label if it was created locally