pack extension package

pack extension package

Package an extension in OCI format


extension package allows users to package (an) extension(s) into OCI format, which can then to be hosted in image repositories or persisted on disk as a ‘.cnb’ file.Packaged extensions can be used as inputs to pack build (using the --extension flag), and they can be included in the configs used in pack builder create and pack extension package. For more on how to package an extension, see:

pack extension package <name> --config <config-path> [flags]


pack extension package /output/file.cnb --path /extracted/from/tgz/folder --format file
pack extension package registry/image-name --path  /extracted/from/tgz/folder --format image --publish


  -c, --config string        Path to package TOML config
  -f, --format string        Format to save package as ("image" or "file")
  -h, --help                 Help for 'package'
  -p, --path string          Path to the Extension that needs to be packaged
      --publish              Publish the extension directly to the container registry specified in <name>, instead of the daemon (applies to "--format=image" only).
      --pull-policy string   Pull policy to use. Accepted values are always, never, and if-not-present. The default is always
  -t, --target strings       Target platforms to build for.
                             Targets should be in the format '[os][/arch][/variant]:[distroname@osversion@anotherversion];[distroname@osversion]'.
                             - To specify two different architectures: '--target "linux/amd64" --target "linux/arm64"'
                             - To specify the distribution version: '--target "linux/arm/v6:ubuntu@14.04"'
                             - To specify multiple distribution versions: '--target "linux/arm/v6:ubuntu@14.04"  --target "linux/arm/v6:ubuntu@16.04"'

Options inherited from parent commands

      --force-color   Force color output
      --no-color      Disable color output
  -q, --quiet         Show less output
      --timestamps    Enable timestamps in output
  -v, --verbose       Show more output