
Pack is a CLI tool maintained by the CNB project to support the use of buildpacks.

It enables the following functionality:

  1. build an application using buildpacks.
  2. rebase application images created using buildpacks.
  3. Creation of various components used within the ecosystem.

Pack works as both a Command Line Interface (CLI) and a Go library.

pack CLI


You can install the most recent version of the pack CLI (version 0.35.1) on the following operating systems:

On Arch Linux, there are two packages available:

pack is available as a container image on Docker Hub as buildpacksio/pack.


  • Use this tag to track the latest release:
    • buildpacksio/pack:latest
  • Use a version tag to pin a specific release:


In some container environments you may be required to mount your local Docker daemon’s socket.

For example, using the Docker CLI:

docker run \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace \
  buildpacksio/pack build <my-image> --builder <builder-image>

pack can be installed via Homebrew:

brew install buildpacks/tap/pack

pack can be installed using the official PPA by running the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cncf-buildpacks/pack-cli
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pack-cli

The following command will download the latest version of pack from GitHub and install it in /usr/local/bin/.

(curl -sSL "" | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin/ --no-same-owner -xzv pack)

To manually install pack, visit the releases page on GitHub.

  1. Download the .tgz or .zip file for your platform
  2. Extract the pack binary
  3. (Optional) Add the directory containing pack to PATH

pack is available as a container image on Docker Hub as buildpacksio/pack.


  • Use this tag to track the latest release:
    • buildpacksio/pack:latest
  • Use a version tag to pin a specific release:


In some container environments you may be required to mount your local Docker daemon’s socket.

For example, using the Docker CLI:

docker run \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace \
  buildpacksio/pack build <my-image> --builder <builder-image>

pack can be installed via Homebrew:

brew install buildpacks/tap/pack

The following command will download the latest version of pack from GitHub and install it in /usr/local/bin/.


(curl -sSL "" | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin/ --no-same-owner -xzv pack)

Apple Silicon:

(curl -sSL "" | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin/ --no-same-owner -xzv pack)

To manually install pack, visit the releases page on GitHub.

  1. Download the .tgz or .zip file for your platform
  2. Extract the pack binary
  3. (Optional) Add the directory containing pack to PATH

To install pack on Windows, we recommend using Chocolatey:

choco install pack --version=0.35.1

pack is available as a container image on Docker Hub as buildpacksio/pack.


  • Use this tag to track the latest release:
    • buildpacksio/pack:latest
  • Use a version tag to pin a specific release:


In some container environments you may be required to mount your local Docker daemon’s socket.

For example, using the Docker CLI:

docker run \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace \
  buildpacksio/pack build <my-image> --builder <builder-image>

pack can be installed via Scoop:

scoop install pack

To manually install pack, visit the releases page on GitHub.

  1. Download the .tgz or .zip file for your platform
  2. Extract the pack binary
  3. (Optional) Add the directory containing pack to PATH


Prior to publishing releases, we publish RC (release candidate) builds of pack. You can install those by downloading the releases from the releases page on GitHub.


pack supports shell completions for the following shells -

  • bash
  • fish
  • zsh

To configure your bash shell to load completions for each session, add the following to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

. $(pack completion)

To configure your fish shell to load completions for each session, add the following to your ~/.config/fish/

source (pack completion --shell fish)

To configure your zsh shell to load completions for each session, add the following to your .zshrc:

. $(pack completion --shell zsh)


Go library


go get -u    
